Kyrgyz Traditional clothes
Our company offer to rent a car and start making tours in Kyrgyzstan where you can learn more about traditional clothes. Clothes, the color and shape are important part of every group of people. And the Kyrgyz people are not the exception. National clothing of Kyrgyz people has remained unchanged for more than seven hundred years. Clothes are the essential part of material and spiritual life of people when all the details reflect social and marital status along with age of people. And you will have an opportunity to wear such clothes in a tour in Kyrgyzstan and witness people in traditional clothes. But the people had a certain condition for it to be made and worn; it must serve adaptability of nomad life conditions of Kyrgyzstan.
Men have underwear and outwear in Kyrgyz style of leather or suede - "jarq shym", "kandagay", "chalbar". Such pants were not allowed for all levels of society, but for military ones and prosperous. Coats "ichik" are always made of fur of wild animals as wolf, fox, lynx to wear during severe winter days. Ankle boots Chokoy and Charyk, the hats tebetey, kalpak and malakai - all these clothes are peculiar for men.
Women have underwear and outwear as well. One of unique and known skirt is "beldemchi". Bird's feathers, ornaments from silver, pearls, corals, and stones were peculiar features of decoration. During winter times "ichik" was also used, and a long-sleeved jacket "chyptama" was obligatory covering the women dress in Kyrgyzstan of those days.
Every tour in Kyrgyzstan is accompanied with possibilities to wear national clothes and feel like nomads. To travel in Kyrgyzstan, ask our managers for detailed information and they will surely organize a travel along Kyrgyzstan and car rent with acquiring information about traditional clothes of Kyrgyz people.