Kyrgyz Issyk Kul Lake
Our country is glad to impress you by car rent to travel with a driver or without a driver. The other famous site to be enlisted in a tour program in Kyrgyzstan is Lake Issyk Kul. The lake looks like a basin with a water not flowing into any rivers and seas. It is necessary to note that the lake has no drain ways and is situated in the north-east of Kyrgyzstan. The water level of the lake was identified 8.5 meters in 1856 and 2002.
Issyk Kul is in the very heart of Kyrgyzstan Mountains and it is considered to be the second largest lake in the world. Round the lake mountain ranges Kungey-Alatau in the north and Terskey-Alatau in the south are located. Northern banks of Issyk Kul were the part of the tourism devoted to health recreation since 1950s. The lake and the whole territory of Kyrgyzstan occupies picturesque mountain gorges with amazing nature, fresh cool air and mornings full of freshness. And in case you visit Kyrgyzstan and want to make a complex tour in the country, this place must be visited on the obligatory way.
The lake never freezes and in Kyrgyz means "hot lake" leads to the great amount of fish, about 20 kinds, to breed and be sold, as naked osman, the chebak, and the carp that may be bought in specialized shops and on the shores of Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan. As the researches show, ancient ruins of buildings are under the water probably due to the earthquake happened and water rising in the Middle Ages.
The Issyk Kul is a pearl of Kyrgyzstan and when guests visit our country they always strive to see the lake and to make a tour in Kyrgyzstan with the Issyk Kul in the program. Our managers are always glad to help you to rent a car and organize your tour in Kyrgyzstan, so contact us!